


An original SciFi 显示 created by the cast and directed by Dee Dee Stephens.



艺术模仿生活. 生活模仿艺术. 当两个有历史的演员被扔在一起 as romantic leads in a forgotten 1930s melodrama, they quickly lose touch with reality 台下和台上的界限开始模糊. 一部破裂的浪漫喜剧 the fourth wall and questions what we mean when we talk about "performance."


Original short plays, written and directed by students and performed live on stage.

看手相, 贝卡·斯温编剧兼导演
办公室, 加布里埃尔·埃尔南德斯编剧,KENTA品牌导演
遥远, 阿登尼尔·加尔维斯编剧和导演
文化,社会和吉娜, 编剧:Suchitra Sharma,导演:Eric Escobedo



A dark, modern retelling of Shakespeare's classic fairytale, inspired by the hit TV 显示 陌生的东西 还有蒂姆·伯顿的电影. 


A sitcom, filmed over the course of the summer, which premiered in November 2022. 琳达·阿玛奥·哈桑导演.


Written by Moliere, directed by Linda Amayo-Hassan and produced by Dee Dee Stephens.

伪君子, first performed in 1664, is a theatrical comedy by the French playwright, Molière. 的 characters of 伪君子, Elmire, and Orgon are considered among the greatest classical 戏剧中的角色.

Orgon, blinded by his admiration for the insincere 伪君子, brings him into his home 并安排女儿玛丽安嫁给他. 家庭的不同成员 attempt to intervene and have Tartuffe thrown out, leading to some classic comedic 分段的时刻. 奥贡被塔尔图夫虚伪的虔诚所欺骗,这出戏讲述的是 religious hypocrisy, which was hugely controversial during its early performances, 使它成为戏剧史上最著名的戏剧之一.



Struggles with addiction, friendship, love, and the challenges of adulthood are at 故事的中心. 杰基,一个小毒贩,刚从监狱出来,并试图 保持清洁. 他还爱着他的青梅竹马, 维罗妮卡. Ralph D. 是杰姬太圆滑,有点滑头的赞助商吗. 他已经结婚了 to the bitter and disaffected Victoria, who, by the way, has the hots for Jackie. And then there’s Julio, Jackie’s cousin…a stand-up, “stand by me” kind of guy.


A new set of plays, devised, written and directed by Chabot students! 

我们看不见的, 凯特·伊贝编剧,多夫·哈桑导演
神奇的电脑, 编剧:Avantika Chitturi,导演:Consuelo Martinez
一首“黄金”圣诞颂歌, 编剧和导演:Max O. 常



万尼亚舅舅 spends his time idling around the country estate of his brother-in-law, 退休教授谢列布里亚科夫说. 瓦尼亚沉浸在一种浪漫的不安中,而不是谢列布里亚科夫 年轻美丽的第二任妻子,叶莲娜.  当谢列布里亚科夫宣布时,麻烦就来了 his plan to sell the estate in order to invest the profits and make a fortune for 他和叶莲娜. 

万尼亚舅舅 returned live on-stage in Stage One to a social distance house October 27th and closed 11月7日的日场演出门票已售罄. 闭幕的日场演出是 还现场直播.  

Cast and Crew: Benjamin Dietz, Brandon Vergil, Chelsey Cahiles Galaura, Gilliane Balingit, Isabelle Briant-Martinez, Jessic Lagasca, Joseph Hanes, Katherine Ibay, Leena Alam, 利兰·埃文斯,马克斯·奥. 张,娜娜·奥乌苏,尼基·格里菲斯,索尔·维加斯,莎娜·普拉萨德, Vanessa Cuellar, Victor Davila, Victor Gonzalez, Yesenia Villasenor


“大学 presents an original social issues piece that points a spotlight on 美国的大规模监禁问题. 从非凡的第一手资料中, observe how this broken criminal system dramatically changes their lives, their families, 以及他们的社区.


Starring: Natasha Chacon, Vanessa Cuellar, Jack Veltt, Darrell Ellingberg, Nikky Griffiths, JC Iglesias-Bernd, Alex Loder, Consuelo Martinez-Quezada, Daisjha Mcgee, Nana Owusu, 尤兰达Vasquez


2021年春季- shift


转变 is a family play that explores the intersections of love, dedication, and dreams.  Barry has to face a harsh reality as he prepares to leave his home to follow his ambitions 作为一个未来的电影人.  他也处在艺术突破的边缘 发现了拍电影的新角度. 这出戏 采用了合唱和和声 设置场景的合奏 社会环境. 当他们的母亲罗西受伤时,家庭成员受到了影响 她的工作和不能 回去工作一段看不见的时间. 这出戏发生在现在 COVID正在肆虐.


Starring: Arturo Garibay, Eric Chow, Isabelle Briant-Martinez, JC Iglesias-Bernd, Jerome Tahja Samuel White, Leena Alam, Markell Lewis, Nikky Griffiths, Ryan Kalugdan, Yesenia Ruby Villasenor

〇2020年秋季 新兴工作 


直播活动! Written and performed by Chabot students, this series features 4 original work in 两张账单,账单A和账单B. 

〇2020年秋季 2020体验:学校版 

This project is a devised fusion of theater and asks the question, "What is it like 2020年成为一名学生?“这部作品是由学生创作和录制的. 的 项目是一个流媒体记录.

的 2020 Experience: School Edition premiered virtually November 27th and closed December 6th, 2020. 

Starring: Alex Loder, Ben Dietz, Consuelo Martinez-Quezada, Darrell Ellingberg, JC Iglesias-Bernd, Quin Fields, Shiara Rivas, Vanessa Bonner, Vanessa Cuellar, Yesenia Ruby Villaseno

〇2019年秋季 一匙一匙的水

在这部获得2012年普利策奖的戏剧中,  Quiara Alegrîa Hudes, writer of the book for Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights, introduces 艾略特是伊拉克战争的老兵. 当他努力寻找自己的位置时 world, we are also introduced to the members of an addiction chat room trying to get 度过他们的一天. 艾略特的母亲去世后,网络遇到了现实,愤怒屈服了 to understanding, and the resistance to their pasts and each other becomes a chance 在宽恕. 在这部对处于救赎边缘的生命的真诚思考中, the boundaries of family and community are stretched across continents and cyberspace, 原生家庭分裂,网络家庭发生冲突.

Water by the Spoonful opened at Stage One on October 31, 2019 and closed to a standing 2019年11月10日.

〇2019年春季 在高处

的 universal story of a vibrant community in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood – a place where the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are always open and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music. 这是 a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones 你离开了. 在高处 is the winner of the 2008 Tony Awards for Best Musical, 最佳配乐,最佳编舞和最佳管弦乐.

Chabot 的ater opened their musical spectacle on April 11th, 2019 and closed April 20th, 2019.

2018年秋季—— ¡欢呼!

During Fall 2018 in Stage One we presented a new play written by 戏剧艺术 faculty 琳达·阿玛奥·哈桑的标题是“欢呼”! 梦想家的故事.

¡欢呼! Humanizes the experience of being undocumented in our country in these current 次. 的 story centers on Erica, a Latina high school senior living in Hayward, 谁在申请大学时发现自己是非法移民. 从奥巴马开始 years, then continuing to today, our current political/social struggle around immigration 问题是这出戏的中心. 从轻松的音符开始,捕捉乐趣和 ease of being a popular kid in school, with a boisterous group of cheerleaders serving as a kind of Greek chorus, the story quickly gets more serious as Erica discover the ag体育她和她家庭状况的真相.