Chabot College Websites

Information on Chabot College Websites

All information provided is believed to be accurate, current and reliable. However, it is not warranted that the information is complete or accurate. CLPCCD nor Chabot College cannot be held liable by any person, group or entities, for loss caused by errors or omissions in the information on Chabot College websites. If you identify inaccurate or outdated information on the sites, please notify Chabot College at

Links to Other Websites

Links to third party websites are provided for the convenience of users only. Neither CLPCCD nor Chabot College can be held responsible for the content, products, services, accessibility, or privacy policy of third party websites. Linking to another website does not imply that CLPCCD nor Chabot College endorses any content, products or services on or available through that website. Any opinions expressed on third party websites does not represent the opinions of CLPCCD nor Chabot College.

Links to downloadable software sites are for the convenience of users only. Neither CLPCCD nor Chabot College can be held responsible or liable for any consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, that accompanies the software. 
