Probation and Dismissal

There are two types of probation: Academic and Progress.

Academic Probation

Level 1

You will be placed on Academic Probation Level 1 when:

  1. You have attempted at least 12 semester units of college courses;
  2. And, you have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0

To register while on Academic Probation Level 1:

  1. Complete the Academic Success-Probation 1 Online Module.
  2. 如果您还没有为您的在线培训创建一个帐户,您将需要创建 a new account to login (this is the same login for your online orientation)
  3. Sign in and select the Academic Success Probation 1 Online Module
  4. Complete the Online Module in its entirety and print out your Certificate of Completion for your records

Your hold will be released within 2-3 business days. Please note,您不需要提交证书并确保您的w#是正确的 在注册学术成功试用期1在线模块时,错误的w# will lead to a delay in your hold being released.

Any questions please contact Christina Jethi, Counselor Assistant II, at

Level 2

You will be placed in Academic Probation Level 2 when:

  1. You are currently on Academic Probation Level 1;
  2. And, your cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0 in the following

To register while on Academic Probation Level 2, schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor immediately. Please note, appointments fill up quickly so please schedule an appointment as soon as possible.


Academic Dismissal

You will be dismissed when:

  1. You are on Academic Probation Level 2;
  2. And, you have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 in the following semester.


  1. Students dismissed for the first time may apply for readmission after one semester of non-attendance.
  2. Students dismissed for the second time may apply for readmission after 5 years of non-attendance. 

*** Summer session does not count as a semester in determining academic status.

When you can apply for readmission, you:

  1. Are strongly recommended to see a Counselor; If you have an Academic Probation 2 hold, please make sure to complete the Academic Probation 2 process first.
  2. Must complete Petition for Admission from Dismissed Status form and submit to Admissions and Records;
  3. And, re-apply for Admission, if applicable.

Review our Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Status

Progress Probation

Level 1

You will be placed on Progress Probation Level 1 when:

  1. You have attempted at least 12 semester units of college courses;
  2. 而且,50%或更多的累积单元尝试导致不良的进展成绩 (W, NC, or I)

To register while on Progress Probation Level 1:

  • It is recommended for you to see a Counselor.

Level 2

You will be placed in Progress Probation Level 2 when:

  1. You are currently on Progress Probation Level 1;
  2. 并且,你不能将你的累计不良进度单位的百分比降低到以下 50% in the following semester.

To register while on Progress Probation Level 2:

  • See a Counselor.


You will be dismissed when:

  1. You are on Progress Probation Level 2;
  2. 而且,你仍然有50%或更多的累积单元是由糟糕的进度分数构成的 (W, NC, or I) in the following semester.


  1. Students dismissed for the first time may apply for readmission after one semester of non-attendance.
  2. Students dismissed for the second time may apply for readmission after 5 years of non-attendance. 

*** Summer session does not count as a semester in determining academic status.

When you can apply for readmission, you:

  1. Are strongly recommended to see a Counselor;
  2. And, complete Petition for Admission from Dismissed Status form and submit to Admissions and Records;
  3. And, re-apply for Admission.

Review our Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Progress


How will I know if I am on probation?
Notification is always sent to students by conventional mail.  Students are strongly 鼓励学生在每学期结束时检查自己的学业状况,以便 verify their performance levels.


What are my limitations as a student on Academic and/or Progress Probation?
我们鼓励您与辅导员交谈,以确定单元推荐 as well as how you can make up your deficiencies.

What does my cumulative Grade Point Average mean?  
你的累积GPA是你所有课程成绩的总平均值 at Chabot.  Your cumulative total can go up or down depending on how you do in each semester.

Why should I speak to a counselor?
A counselor can assist you in many ways!  Counselors can help you with: creating a 学生教育计划,提供专业信息,转学计划,推荐 向校园/社区提供资源,进行个人咨询,讨论如何更好地发展 study skills and habits, and career counseling.  Make your appointment early!

When will I return to good academic standing?
当你把你的累积GPA提高到at时,你的学术地位就会恢复良好 least a 2.0 and complete 50% of the units attempted.

I received good grades this past semester, why am I on probation?  
虽然你最近一个学期在学业上做得更好,但这可能会发生 not have been enough to bring your cumulative GPA up to a 2.00.  You will be automatically taken off of probation once you become in good standing with the college.  A letter will be sent out notifying you of your academic accomplishment.

之前所有学期的注册都是你在夏伯特大学永久记录的一部分. 过去的学期和新的学期将显示你的累积的准确历史 record. 你过去的学习经历可能会对你目前的见习状态产生影响.

I didn't attend classes this past semester, how can I be on probation?
如果你注册了课程,但没有正式退学,你的导师 may have turned in failing grades for you.  It is your responsibility to officially 通过填写退课表并将其提交给招生部门 and record office before the drop deadline.

因为个人原因我没能完成这学期,所以交了退学单,为什么 did I receive a probation letter?
计算机生成的程序无法确定学生退学的原因 their class(es).  Although you may have officially withdrawn from your classes for 在“W”符号截止日期之后提交退学表将导致 a "W" grade. Failing to complete 50% your total units for the semester will result in progress probation. Withdrawal deadlines are published in the schedule of classes each semester.

我只是为了学分和/或个人兴趣而上课,而不是为了追求 degree or certificate.  Can I be taken off your list?
不幸的是,我们的计算机生成的程序无法确定学生的 personal pursuits. We are required to inform all students when they fall into a probationary category. A letter will be sent out for all probation statuses.

What if I have personal problems that have affected my schoolwork?
与咨询师预约讨论个人挑战或讨论 学校,工作冲突,课程选择,家庭需求的变化,教育目标, or any concerns you may have regarding your scholastic progress. Services are in place to help you succeed. You may also go to the Health Center for personal /mental health counseling.

What happens if I am placed on 2nd time probation?
在这一点上,至关重要的是,你要安排一个预约与咨询师见面. 如果你不能以良好的成绩完成第二学期的试用期,你可能会被开除 in dismissal from the college.

Does probation affect my financial aid?
Financial aid students must follow the satisfactory academic progress standards established by the financial aid office.  Those standards are different that the college's academic standards for all students. You should check your financial aid eligibility with the Financial Aid Office.

Can I repeat a course to alleviate my previous substandard grade(s)?
Students may repeat a course in which they received a D or F.  By repeating a course with a substandard grade, it will alleviate the initial grade you received.  It is 建议向辅导员咨询,以确定该课程是否值得重复.  也许有一种方法可以减轻不合格的分数而不必重复 course. Ask your counselor about academic renewal.

What is academic renewal?
如果成绩不达标(D、F),学生可以申请续学. The 在计算学生的平均绩点时,不合格的成绩可能会被忽略 作业并不能反映学生目前的学习水平. Please speak to a counselor for further details.

What are the consequences of being on probation?
Consequences include but are not limited to:

  • 在学生成功合同签署之前,您可能无法注册课程 by the student and a counselor
  • Financial Aid may be suspended.
  • Expenses for repeating classes to raise GPA
  • Graduation and/or transfer delays or complications

Policy on Readmission

Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Status

被夏伯特学院或拉斯波西塔斯学院开除的学生可以申请 readmission after one semester of non-attendance. Students so applying may be readmitted 经学生服务副校长或夏伯特指定人员批准 or Las Positas College. Students readmitted after dismissal from Chabot or Las Positas 学院可能会根据他们的班级和尝试的单元数量的规定. 再次入学的学生,第二次被开除的,一律开除 并且在五(5)年后才有资格重新入学 of non-attendance. 在因情有可原的情况而被解雇的极端情况下, 不符合上述规定的学生可向副校长提出申诉 学生服务处主席或指定人员,经特别考虑,可重新录取 upon approval of their petition. Such extenuating circumstances shall be those acute 妨碍正常学业的医疗、家庭或其他个人问题 unlikely or impossible. The Vice President of Student Services, with the approval 总裁或其指定人员,可缩短或取消上述等候期 above due to extenuating circumstances. Any student admitted via this method must 在辅导员的直接监督下,提交一个受控的学术项目.

(引自Chabot-Las Positas社区学院地区管理规则和 Policies, Section C. Academic Standards, Policy No. 5215: Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Status)

Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Progress

被夏伯特学院或拉斯波西塔斯学院开除的学生 progress may apply for readmission after one semester of non-attendance. Students 因此,经学生服务副校长批准后,可重新申请 or designee. Students readmitted who have a cumulative progress ratio of less than 重新入学后立即完成学期后的百分之五十 shall be placed on progress probation. If after another semester they still have poor 累计进步,则予以开除,不得再入学 until after five (5) years of non-attendance. The Vice President of Student Services 或指定人员可因减刑而减少或消除上述等待期 circumstances. Any student admitted via this method must submit to a controlled academic program under the immediate supervision of a counselor.

(引自Chabot-Las Positas社区学院地区管理规则和 Policies, Section C. Academic Standards, Policy No. 5223: Policy on Readmission Based on Academic Progress)